Finding stuffs to entertain myself ^O^ as my mood now is really yucky and gloomy. was browsing through the internet and I came across どーもちゃん. I came to know him through Shushu during our poly days. he is cute isn't he?

I got this from Shushu as one of my christmas present =) "どーもちゃん saying こんにちわ"

Shushu's one at the time is this. haha we all have different gestures of どーもちゃん. Ah mic later bought us the rockstar どーもちゃん. looking at these small accessories brought back lots of good old times' memories =) those were our days.

Haha funny??? どーもちゃん in the LAB. Wish I can put this on my working bench =) I guess the safety officer will say "hey is a hazard you know.." -_-
Other cute mechandise ^O^


woohoo I want that..... They have that in Aussie.... so cute aren't they??? haiz.... but my frens were like, "ehh you know you how old already right??? still carry such a childish bag???" -_- "haiz.... why cannot???" and so I dine buy it in the end..... O_O
Tada どーもちゃん USB, hehe I want this too..... will brighten up my day whenever I typed my report ^O^

This reminded me of the tokidoki USB I wanted to get

So cute ^_^ but is too difficult to find it or I should say I am too lazy to search for it haha and I think they will be super expensive -_-
Some cute stuffs to brighten up my day ^O^
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