Gloomy Day =(
although is only like noon, I can forsee myself not having a good day..... got an email from my other prof this morning and tat goes my day =( I know that she meant well cos this shows that she is concern abt me even though I am not her student anymore. I am pushing my research all along but still not much results are coming my way...... due to the end of the year.... booking of equipment on-lab and off-lab is nearly not possible.... I am scared myself too whenever I am typing my report, I fail to see any graphs......
No result = Not working hard enough??? I bet to differ..... *moody to the max*
The worst of all is... I have lost my appetite after the severe food poisoning.... I want to EAT.... but everytime I do eat alot..... I ended up having this cramp in the stomach and after which vomitting...... arhhh..... so I have to eat a little at a time.... "A LITTLE" can you imagine??? =(
catching a movie tonight.... hopefully it turns out well.... I don't want anymore whining after a shitty day but I guess is unlikely.... why does young gal like to whine to guy like abt 5 yrs older??? or in the first place why do they have to whine??? Did I ever whine when I was like in my 20s??? I hope not -_- is really irritating..... if the guy dine call you then dine call lah why have to ask me why he called me and not you??? how annoying is tat??? as if I know the answer to that.... maybe I just simply dun understd or rather I am a guy trap in a gal's body which my dad used to say -_-.... and so I behave more like a guy which dun really care abt this small detail....
*I should be more caring and loving to the younger ones I know but in times like this..... is really getting on my nerve....*

well like the gals say: Looking forward to the FESTIVE SEASON and 22 dec =)
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