Results O.O
Results for sem 2 were released yesterday at around 10 plus. It still concerned me oki haha cos I did take "1" module this sem O.O the result came out oki ^^. I was quite worried as I have a dream the other day that I scored 58 -_-. have a chat with one of my junior, Yossy, she scored well, average HD. but she said that this sem is the lowest WAM that she had gotten over these 4 yrs. she used to get like 92 for average. *horrified* I know she is smart but haha maybe I am just not tat smart so I was amazed o.O really do miss my undergrad times, although the last sem is really crappy but overall is good. I just miss the times when I was younger and not having so much unneccessary worries *if only I could turn back time*
have just met up with supervisor abt making plans for the next 6mths after I come back from s'pore. Is a whole lot of stuffs to do. *I can do it as it is the route that I have chosen so no regret, slapping on my face to tell myself is time to get serious as honeymoon period is OVER*
To my juniors who got 1st class, CONGRATULATION, I am just so proud of you guys and gals.

*The route to happiness*
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