One Quarter Century ^^
yup I am officially one quarter century year old last friday. have a memoriable day.
Thank you so much for the messages from my love ones. was so surprised to received birthday msges at 12 am on the 26 of June. *happy* muakie love you gals alot.
I celebrated my day with my labmates. korean fusion and Lindts after were yummy ^^ finger licking good
Love the presents, jacket and jurlique products. muakie love you guys and gals.
who say Phd students are geeks? we are the cool ones haha =)
this year's birthday cakes from labmates and church frens were "hazel nuts choco cake" is really good, delicious to the max.
Love you all alot. Thanks for making this day so special for me.
just finished my first year review, going to watch transformer after this woohoo =) *delighted*