Thursday, October 30, 2008

All Hard Works Paid Off

At this moment, I am so so happy for my juniors from Chem Engin. you all did well. woohoo. congrates. *wink* all the midnight oil burning, juggling between school reports, endless experiments and write up of thesis are OVER. this honors year has ENDED. you guys and gals deserved a pad on the shoulder. Looking at you all really brings memories back, at times is really painful, well thinking of it still brings a smile on my face.

Last week Poster Presentation:

Yossy, smartest gal hehe. am really happy for her as she put in lots of hard work into it. is really well done.

John, the poster is so well written that professors from other department ask for his soft copy version to show to other student wat a poster should look like.

Mega, my junior who did the same project as me ^_^. Cheers to E.coli haha. lots of results and beautiful graphics too. *love the poster*

Our postdocs and professor did lots of work too in correcting the posters. cheers to all.
Time flies, another year about to be gone soon.
Looking forward to the years ahead.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Living as a christian, I often hear questions like,
  1. You dun really look christian to me.
  2. Gospel is the only truth in life, why do research which is something that is fake...
  3. We should live a different lifestyle as what our non-christian friends lead.
  4. What's important to me is the second coming of Jesus.

There are lots of other questions that I have came across but these are the ones that stuck in my head.

For Qn 1, saying that someone don't look christian, aren't we making a judgement on them?? by doing this how are we different from those pharisees in the bible.... we as christian as what I believe shouldn't be judgemental but to be encouraging to each other in our christian life and not being self-righteous.

For Qn 2, I actually got it hit right on my face, I told Michelle that this sentence came from a guy that I admire. it happened like this.... after coming back from a christian conference, this guy shared with me what he has learnt. he said something like gospel is the only real thing in the world and hence other stuffs that happened on this earth = fake. and he gave example like research... we did research for so many years and publish lots of journal papers... in the end wat do we get out of it??? our papers will just be put into a folder and no one is going to read it.... is n't it a waste of time to do it/??? and rather the whole thing is pointless and fake....

seriously i feel really hurt after listening to it... well i have to clarify something.... not all researches are trying to prove the inexistence of God or rather the BIg Bang Theory..... researches cover areas like renewable energy, self-cleaning etc. and of course I know that the gospel is the real thing. well aren't our life real as well??

I feel that what's important is having our life to be christ centered in whatever we do. and of course the word "inspire" can be match with different words. like inspire by the professors or inspire by the words from the gospel.... why should anyone think that the word inspire should be match with gospel all the time.... To me, "I have been inspired by the word of the gospel that is why i can boldly preach to others about this good news = evangelising" but what i can't understd is when I said that i am inspired by the old professors during the chem engin conference that I have attended and others tell me straight in my face commenting that, "I thought ppl can only be inspired by gospel and not other things" I was like "wat the......." the one making this sentence, aren't you being self-righteous????

Qn 3, living a different lifestyle? yes agree, i believe in spending time with God and listen to his word. but on the other hand, i have came across christian who take drugs, drink like there is no tomorrow and club all they want. are they consider christian? well is not up to me to judge but God. but one thing i must say is that the bible did quote from some verses like we as christian should not do the above constantly. A non-believer actually told me that she dun understd why she should be condemned and her frens (christian) who do all these nonsenses should be save.... I just told her that I do not have the answer for it but I told her that we should not compared with others and think tat we are better but to have the idea that we are already a sinner since birth as we human rejected God. well if we are to call ourselves christian we should refrain from doing all those..... and not making up excuse for those who do it and said that we humans are not perfect tat's why we need God in our life. if we do need God in our life should n't we refrain from doing all those bad things the moment we receive him????

Qn 4, i really admire those ppl who say that. however i have come across others that dine do well in their work and when ask why do they not put in effort and they replied to us this sentence. I mean the bible clearly said that, we do need to work and back in Genesis God works too. we have to work even harder so we will not be an obligation to others. if not by saying this sentence is just finding an excuse to his/her laziness which should not be the case. Jesus second coming to us is a huge event but since we are still living in a sin world, we have to work even harder.

well these are my thoughts. do not misinterpret what i said. I dun wan to be bombard with senseless comments.

I will make myself clear. Gospel is important and Jesus is the only way to be reconcil with God. I really thank God for sending his son to die for my sin which i dun deserve. I am waiting for Jesus second coming and at the same time work hard in what i have been given and not be lazy.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I wish......

I wish I am not miles away from home
I wish I could turn back times
I wish I am more patient with my parents as they always have for me
I wish I could be there for them every now and then
I wish I am there for my gals when they need me the most
I wish I could be someone that my families and friends can depend on and to share their happiness and sorrow
I wish I am strong enough to face the challenge out there
I wish I could mend broken relationships

Lastly I just wish I will not grow up that fast...... however time never stops...... is always clicking away...... hence treasure what I have now......

Listening to the song, "slipping through my fingers" by ABBA, makes me realised how my parents feels during my process of growing up and the moment when I left home for Aussie......

I really miss my famillies and my gals back home......

Monday, October 20, 2008


my bible study group is going for a weekend getaway down at Lake Macquarie. I am so very excited right now =). A good motivation for the entire week woohoo.
I love my group, cos we are all "adult". not that the rest of the groups are kids. is just our group is made up of people who are either working or postgraduate students.
still scratching my head wondering why postgraduate is not equal to student.... erm.... interesting....
so here we go hehe our bible study at Lake Macquarie this friday.

Nice accomodation =)
I love the accomodation, hope is the same as how it looks =)
heard from my BS leader that i have a bed to myself, which is the Kiddy bed. haha don't mind actually as i am short so shouldn't be a problem woohoo.

so how far is it??? is 1.5 hrs drive from where we are. so is near.
to us any distance that is less than 3 hrs = near. so one of my groupmates plans to drive home each day.
this reminds me sometimes back, when i travelled to my poly it took like 1.5 hrs max to go from my house to school and is consider freaking far but now "hey is so near just 1.5 hrs away". it seems that distance doesn't matter anymore.
during our conversation yesterday, we talk about the distance between states. Karen actually pointed out that a distance to be consider far is about 12 hrs. which is driving down all the way from melbourne...... i was like that is nightmare, we could easily catch a domestic plane and save lots of time.

so this proven that our thinking of distance has changed......

Darling coming over to canberra.... I am so happy =). well still wondering why canberra.... cos is a place that is super duper quiet. i guess it suits her since she plans to come over to RELAX. so perfect place hehe =)
was planning to go visit her if time permits. is just 3hrs away from sydney, i can easily take an express bus.... notice the word "just"..... this is what all my seniors have emphasize. they said it is so bloody close....

well is it??? i guess is still up to individual. o_O