while i was looking at the entries of my blog, most of them sound really sad....... So i came to a conclusion that i only blog when i am sad. is it true? well am feeling really sad right now... why is it when i thought that we are getting closer... you suddenly just drifted far far away..... we are just so close to each other but everytime i just feel that we are like miles apart.... it is time to come to an end as he has someone in mind... the worst is that he told me i will be the first to know if it does or does not work out... i think ah mic is right, platonic really did sometimes 害死我。
although i do feel sad, but i am really happy for him. i do hope that the gal will treasure him like he does.
Is it really so hard to find someone that i truely love. Ans = YES
life is always like that, the one you love most, is unlikely the one you will end up with. while the one who love you the most is likely the one that you will spend your whole life with......
which is better?

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