Happy Lunar New Year
Dong Dong Chiang, Gong Xi Fa Cai
Hong Bao Na Lai ^_^
My favourite month of the year.
This is my first chinese new year away from home. I really missed my families and frens back home. Looking on the bright side, is a brand new experience. I organized a steamboat reunion dinner at Jehan's house for the eight of us.
The Eight

we have steam boat and bought a LOT of food from both oriental and IGA.. fish and meat balls, fish tofu, different kinds of meat, vegetables, prawns, etc and stuffed ourselves with these food and had a good reunion dinner anyway.
Food Food

A table full of food. There are more in the kitchen. Guess i bought too much.
The soup

My housemate made the soup first thing in the morning, with potatoes, carrots, onions and chicken stalk cubes and boiled for 9 hours. therefore it tasted supper yummy.
dessert of the day

we believed that we should have chinese stuffs so we bought rice ball "tang yuan".
guess wat the guys did??? they have it with ice-creams... awww..... I couldn't imgaine the taste. so please spare an auntie like me, i will just have plain rice balls instead.
After dinner, we were so full that we began to take pictures of ourselves with funny gestures.

erm... should i say only donald with his funny gestures???
haha acting cute at the back....
Donald hugging the wall

no idea what he was doing hehe??? imitate spiderman???
The normal ones

Us being our normal selves ^_^
Due to lab the next day, we left at around 1am.
On the Day of Chinese New Year

Meet up with my dear fren Zhijun after her work, we have a wonderful dinner at "pepo". their pizzas and pasta are really nice. Notice that we wore the same red t-shirt.
with the guys


arhh... forgot to take pictures of the food again. we were so hungry as per usual, we finished everything once they have been served. This was the only picture that I have taken. it left only half when i took it.
I miss my angbaos , chit-chatting and eating tons of chinese new year's goodies...
But I am really fortunate enough to have so many good frens surrounding me. is a memorable day that i will never forget. Thanks alot guys and gals. you really made this day special. muakie love you lots
Wishing everyone, a happy rat new year.
May Stuart Little brings you comfort
Mickey Mouse brings you joy
Ratatouie brings you abundance of good food
and most impotantly
minnie mouse brings you ultimate beauty
Year of 2008 with lots of laughter, love and optimism
Apparently this is my year "shhhh.... that defines my age"
Happy Chinese New Year to my parents, relatives, Creepy Kamx, Poly classmates, CCA frens and frens in Aussie.
Love all of you, muakie.
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